A solid foundation is necessary for a long-lasting building, and stability requires a stronger initial compressive strength. High-strength concrete can produce a greater compressive force by using premium-quality cement as a binder.

Bearing in mind a strong setup for construction, Akij Cement Company Limited manufactures blended cement with strength class 52.5N under the Portland Cement (PC) category. 95–97% clinker is used for producing this type of cement. Besides, 3–5% gypsum is used to control the setting time. Akij Portland Cement (CEM I) is marketed in a 50kg weighted polyfibre bag.


  • Type


  • Strength class

    52.5 N

  • Ingredients

    Clinker 95-97% and Gypsum 3-5%

  • Standard comply to

    BDS EN 197-1:2010; Comply to ASTM C 150-94/BS- 12:96/IS.2269

  • Chemical compositions

    60 +- 2% (C3S), > 17% (C2S),< 9% (C3A), < 10% (C4AF), < 5 % (MgO), < 3.5 % (SO3), < 5%  Ignition loss, and <1.5% free CaO

Product Benefits

Field of Application



RCC Structure


Multi Storey / High Rise Building


Residential Building

Rigid Permanent Works

Precast Work

Power Plant

Metro Rail